Keeping Your Kindergartner Healthy

Most parents concern themselves with preparing their preschoolers for kindergarten by making sure they know their ABCs and colors. One thing that parents often overlook, however, is preparing their child for socializing while staying healthy. Here are some practical tips to instill hygiene habits now and hopefully keep your child—and ultimately the rest of the household—free from illness.  

Immunize Your Child

The choice to vaccinate your child is a personal decision, and if you have concerns, you should discuss them with your child's pediatrician. But immunizations do offer protection from both common childhood illnesses, such as the flu, as well as more serious diseases. Don't forget to stay up-to-date with your own immunizations as well. 

Teach Your Child to Wash Their Hands 

Properly washing one's hands is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of germs. In the age of COVID, it's more important than ever. Handwashing is a habit like any other and the more frequently you have your child wash their hands, the sooner they will develop the habit and do it when you're not around to remind them, 

Physically show your child how to wash their hands. Teach them how to get warm water from the faucet and how much soap to use. Demonstrate the need to wash the entire hand and scrub around the nails. 

Repeatedly remind them after every time they use the bathroom and before they eat and before or after they touch their eyes, mouth, or nose. Teach them a handwashing song or sing "Happy Birthday" two times so they learn how long they need to wash their hands. 

Be sure you explain why handwashing is so important too. If they understand that tiny germs are everywhere and that germs are what make people sick, it will reinforce the importance of thorough, frequent handwashing. 

Thanks to COVID, hand sanitizer is widely available now. Provide your child with a mini bottle in their backpack so they can use it when washing their hands isn't possible, such as on the school bus or during a field trip. 

Model Good Etiquette

When you sneeze, cover your mouth and then immediately wash your hands. If you blow your nose, wash your hands. If you rub your eyes, wash your hands. Children learn a lot without their parents ever saying a word. They learn simply by watching and mimicking your behavior. By having good hygiene etiquette, they're helping to protect others. Your child is going to get colds and the flu occasionally, no matter how diligent they are, but if you teach them the basics before they begin kindergarten, hopefully, sickness will be rare. 

Talk to your child's kindergarten teacher for other ways to help them learn hygiene. 
